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Recent alumna is account manager for marketing agency

Marketing and finance Photo of Tessa Louche major Tessa Louche '17 moved to Chicago after graduation without a job lined up, but with well-developed skills and real-world experience she had gained at BW. Within months, she traded in a server's apron for a job as an account manager at the marketing firm Upshot Agency.

Landing the job

After moving to Chicago, Louche took on a temporary job while she set about interviewing at marketing agencies. "I got a call from a friend looking to hire servers, so I worked at a bar downtown for two months until I landed my current position," Louche explained.

Fatefully, the first interview Louche went on in Chicago was with Upshot Agency. She landed the job and began her work as an account manager that August.

"I am responsible for execution of shopper marketing efforts for a portfolio of consumer packaged goods brands," Louche said of her job. She also manages creative projects and financials and directly handles client relationships.

Invaluable experiences

Louche's time at BW helped prepare her for the world of marketing and her current position. Programs such as the Digital Marketing Clinic, business honors program and CIG Student Fellowship helped give Louche real-world experience to go along with what she learned in the classroom.

"The Digital Marketing Clinic, especially, allowed me to gain experience leading a team of fellow students in development and execution of marketing plans," shared Louche. "I also gained experience working directly with clients, forming strategies and developing management skills.

"The extra activities I participated in at BW definitely helped me to land my first (current) job out of school," said Louche, "which is above entry-level!"

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