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Alumna credits BW for grad school success

Does hands-on clinical experience as an undergraduate matter? Hannah Lemmon's graduate school experience in speech-language pathology offers a resounding "Yes!"

photo o BW alumna Hannah LemmonThe 2017 graduate said that as an incoming BW student majoring in communication sciences and disorders she didn't fully comprehend the value of being in a program that was intense, rigorous and time consuming.

Little did Lemmon know that the challenges she faced at the undergraduate level would set her up for success in graduate school.

Educating Her Fellow Classmates

Lemmon is one of 33 students studying for a master's degree in speech-language pathology at the University of South Carolina. Just two of those students had previous clinical experience entering the program, Lemmon being one of them. Her experience and expertise set her apart as a leader among her classmates.

The BW Difference

"I am so proud and incredibly lucky to have been a student in BW's communication sciences and disorders program," said Lemmon. "I've been through the pressures of choosing an undergraduate school as well as the stress of having to get into graduate school. I want other students who are aspiring to pursue a career in the competitive and challenging field of speech-language pathology or audiology to have the same valuable opportunities I did at BW because most undergraduate institutions do not offer them."

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