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Magazine offers vibrant look at BW Conservatory of Music

Graphic featuring Bach Magazine cover

This issue of Conversation explores the many examples of tradition fueling innovation in the BW Conservatory of Music. In addition to being the program for the 87th Annual Bach Festival, the spring 2019 magazine spotlights in vivid imagery the vibrancy of BW's acclaimed Conservatory. Among featured articles are:

  • Positive Change: BW Music Therapy and Music Education Grads Have Skill and a Passion for Service

  • 9 Horses: Genre-Hopping Virtuosity (guests in-residence)

  • The Cleveland Orchestra Residency at BW

  • Perseverance, Creativity Spark Success for Jeannette Sorrell of Grammy-Winning Apollo's Fire

  • Riemenschneider Bach Institute (RBI) Supports Advanced Student Scholarship and RBI Initiatives

  • Celebrating 50 Years: Bach and the Riemenschneider Bach Institute

  • Introducing the BW Community Arts School

  • Conservatory of Music Alumni Successes

  • Bach Festival and the Riemenschneider Bach Institute History

  • Bach Festival Program Notes

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