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BW art exhibition makes double impact

"Don't Panic! Brace for Impact" exhibition logoA new street art-inspired exhibition has BW alumni "tags" all over it.

Rich Cihlar '02 (who uses R!ch as his artist's moniker) and Bob Peck form the art duo "Don't Panic!" The pair's latest exhibition, "Don't Panic! Brace for Impact!," runs Nov. 12-Dec. 3 at BW's Fawick Gallery and will feature several contemporary street artists with ties to BW in a one-stop immersive art environment.

More than just a name

Cihlar and Peck devised the title "Don't Panic!" for their art collaborations based on their collective approach and as advice for the viewer. Their use of spray paint seamlessly morphs their styles into unified street/pop art installations that pay homage to the idea of unseen forces colliding with each other. The exhibition ranges from a variety of designer toys and spray-painted works to other forms of street art.

Art for Graffiti HeArt

Photo of Cleveland Artifact MachineTo help with this "Don't Panic!" endeavor, the duo solicited fellow artists with ties to Baldwin Wallace alumnus and Graffiti HeArt founder Stamy Paul, MBA '94.

Graffiti HeArt connects professional artists with mural and public works projects while also raising money to fund art education scholarships through those commissions.

The exhibition will extend its "impact" by giving people the opportunity to purchase original art from a vintage cigarette machine to benefit Graffiti HeArt scholarships. Refurbished by Cihlar and dubbed the Cleveland Artifact Machine, it can hold over 600 pieces of art and will be filled with works by regional artists.

Cihlar said, "I wanted to do something extra special with this exhibition. As a BW [studio art] alumnus and employee, I wanted to share some of my alumni collaborations, my friends' talents and pay it forward in the form of art scholarships." After the exhibition, the machine will be donated to the Graffiti HeArt Museum for continued use in promoting the arts.

About Fawick Art Gallery

Fawick Art Gallery, Kleist Center for Art & Drama, hosts multiple exhibitions during the academic year, culminating in shows featuring student work. Visit for information on upcoming and past exhibitions. For more information about this exhibition, contact the Fawick Art Gallery at or (440) 826-2152.

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