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BW student selected for competitive internship


One of Baldwin Wallace University's all-star students, English and adolescent and young adult education major Solé Hall-Hamilton '23 was selected out of a wide and competitive pool of applicants for a paid internship at Literary Cleveland during fall 2021.

The internship is intended for members of historically underrepresented groups in the writing and publishing industry. It gives interns the opportunity to assist with literary arts programs and events, support Gordon Square Review literary journal and develop their own projects.

Hall-Hamilton also helped with collecting information for sponsors as well as events centered around creative writing.


Hall-Hamilton, who is serving as the assistant editor of BW's literary and arts journal, The Mill, says her ultimate goal for her career is to one day be a professor and an editor for a publishing house. "There is something valuable to be said for the editing process as a writer that, I believe, isn't as loved as the actual writing itself," she says.

She also thanks her creative writing classes at BW for helping her be able to "delve deeper into what makes creative writing an art versus some form of catharsis."

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